Firewater: Beverage Etiquette Solved at Last

Dave DeWitt Hot & Spicy & Meatless Leave a Comment

By Dave DeWitt Miss Manners is completely baffled. Emily Post has no clue whatsoever. In fact, there’s a crisis these days in the world of etiquette because none of the experts can answer the question: what drinks should be served with hot and spicy foods? The turmoil has been caused by the fact that more and more Americans are consuming …

Yo Soy un Chiltepínero!

Dave DeWitt Cooking with Chiles, In the Kitchen with Chile Peppers, Making Salsa and Hot Sauce, Mexico and Central America Leave a Comment

 By Dave DeWitt Above, the Sierra Madre, Home of Chiltepins My amigo Antonio swears that the motto of the Sonoran bus lines is “Better Dead Than Late,” and I believe him.  The smoke-belching buses were flying by us on curves marked by shrines commemorating the unfortunate drivers whose journeys through life had abruptly ended on this mountain road.  We waved …