Determining Portions

Jackson Ortega-Scheiner Preparation/Serving Leave a Comment

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Dr. BBQ:

How do you determine portions when catering 125 people. Pork ribs, shoulder, chicken are the meats. Thanks,

M. Emmons

Hi Markus,

A typical serving of pork is 4-6 ounces, but with other meats I’d go with 4. One piece of chicken per guest is good and 2-3 rib bones. This is probably too much food but I always fear running out of anything. If you’re not going to have buns, you can make less pork and you could gamble that not everyone will have a piece of chicken. You can also provide a server for the ribs so the big hitters don’t load up on them. I prefer to charge enough so I don’t have to skimp on anything.


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