Using Liquid in the Big Green Egg

Dave DeWitt Smoking Leave a Comment

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Hi Dr. BBQ:

I tried your recipe for competion brisket and it was delicious!  I have a lot to learn,
It was not as moist as I would have liked. Do you put water or apple uice in a pan in your egg when you cook for 12 hours? Thanks for
your reply.
Hi Jim,
No I never put any liquid in the pan. The egg keeps a lot of moisture in the
cooking chamber anyway and food typically gets dry because it's overcooked
and a little steam won't help that. Brisket by nature isn't as moist as
most things and that takes some getting used to if you haven't cooked many
but it's also very finicky. A good thermometer is a must. The best way to
learn is to cook a lot of them and read all you can and eventually your
brisket will be great.


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