How to Keep Brisket Moist

Jackson Ortega-Scheiner Smoking Leave a Comment

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Dear Dr. BBQ:

My question concerns smoked brisket. I smoke them whole at 225 degrees for about 13 hours, to an internal temp of 185 degrees. They always taste fantastic. My last time included my wrapping the brisket tight in foil, putting it in an Igloo, and transporting in to a friends house. The brisket stayed hot, and juicy in the Igloo. At dinner time, I unwrapped the brisket, put on a cutting board, and began slicing it. A crowd gathered around me and the cutting board. Everyone wanted bites of the brisket to “test it.” The meat was so juicy, we all thought we’d died and gone to heaven. I quickly sliced the entire brisket in less than a minute, and transferred it to a serving platter. Within an extremely short time, probably less than five minutes, the brisket slices tasted completely dried out. How can I keep the brisket moist for serving, for at least 15 minutes or more? What am I doing wrong?


Hi Doug,

Holding brisket is hard to do. What you described is exactly what happens to sliced brisket on a platter. You need to slice it to order or as last minute as possible if you wish to serve it fresh. You can also hold the slices in a pan with some strong beef stock or a 50/50 mix of strong beef stock and BBQ sauce, but either of these will change the flavor. It’ll still be good but not as good as freshly sliced. But then again it will be better than the dried out slices. Take your pick.



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